Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozle View Post
Probably 100% when it is trout fishing, maybe 20% or less when fishing for sunfish or bass.

I love tying, but draw the line at flies that take more than 10 minutes or so. When the day comes that I start molding my own plastic worms or carving my own plugs to save $5, I may consider spending hours making poppers and the like.

I'd say 75% are mine, 20% flies from swaps, the rest store bought (most for a pattern to tie off of, but some I buy that look like a productive fly, but may be too complictaed to tie myself. (i.e. some hopper patterns etc.).

Bam, My average bass flies take at least 15 min each, but doing a dozen production line, makes them oevr all process per fly go faster. I was actualy carving my own crankbaits and making my own inline spinners lures and maki9ngt them for a fraction of the cost, before I crossed over from the Dark side. Like any other fly style though, once you get proficient at tying it, you can tie them 'relatively' quickly.