Ron, I have to brace you for this one.

My bride is 3 months older than I am, so she hits these milestones first.

She hit 30, and 40, without blinking. And so did I. But then 50 really bothered her. I was surprised, but 3 months later it really bothered me too. I think it has something to do with realizing that you have probably used up more than half of your life and the best half (health and energy wise) at that.

The good news is that this bummer feeling only happened at 50. Every year since then has been just fine. That includes 60, which went down without a whimper from either of us. Indeed, since 60 we have spent more time commenting on how surprisingly youthful we are than on how old we are.

So, get through the day and the week. It is mostly uphill from there for several more years!

Happy birthday and great fishing!