I would like to welcome you to the art of fly fishing,it's like nothing else you ever done. I want to express to you to take the advice of what they tell you here. The people here will not give you information you don't need. I myself just got back into fly fishing and the help on this site is the best I could of hope for. It takes time to learn what to use when to use it, color,shape, size, but over time it will come to you. JUST DON'T GIVE UP! You have alot of help here, and a fly shop in your area can help with alot too. You may consider lessons also. Im' not from your area, but there are skilled fly fishermen that will help. You may try a fly fishing club. Once again Welcome and I look forward to the pic's. God Bless and Good Luck! There is always two things on my mind everyday one is: If TVA has the water right for wading and the other is how fast I can get to the river.