Welcome to the sport and to the site. Here's a Fresno fly fishing club,
http://www.fresnoflyfishers.org/ I'll bet you can find plenty of folks happ[y to help you there.

Also, Google Visalia fly shop, probably the closest to you. Fly shops are great places to learn what flies the fish are taking now. Ask one of the folks in the fly shop to recommend a couple of patterns for you, then buy them. Write down the fly pattern's name, size and time of year. Over time, you will learn what flies work best in your waters by month.

Google can be a powerful tool in learning about the waters near you and what patterns are working. You can also pick up a lot of instruction on the net.

And this is a good place to ask questions., The policy here has always been that there are no dumb questions and folks are happy to answer you. You'll probabgly get the best help, though, if you first do a Google search to get the basic info, and come here with your questions if the info you seek wasn't there or if you need some clarification on it.