Quote Originally Posted by bluwatr View Post
EdD - very impressive...tying by hand. While my interest is piqued - and once I get back into the groove of tying I may tap your experience again for a different, but related, subject (streamside tying) - I am going to stick with initial goal of "relearning the right way" WITH a vise.

Normand - Thks! That site rocks. I'm so used to looking at right-handed tutorials and converting in my head, I had to compare FAOL's tutorials with the ones on the site you provided...and CLICK. My head didn't hurt. Very many thanks!

Bluwatr, thanks, but that wasn't steamside tying, I simply didn't have a vise when I was a kid. I didn't have any tools other than a pocket knife and nail trimmers. I used loose lengths of thread and put down a half hitch over ever addition of material. As I recall, I just let my fingers figure out which was going to hold what. I got poked by hooks often, but I didn't care enough to stop.

You might be surprised by how fast you learn to do things like that. You'll start to know exactly how much thread you'll need for a fly and how to hold everything. I didn't really think about how to hold things, just how to tye the fly.

Best of luck.