
First, welcome to the board. I'm sure other will have some info but here's my two cents worth.

I recommend you grab a copy of a book called "Brook Trout" by Nick Karas. This will give you a good foundation on all things Brook Trout.

As far as coaster go they are just Brook Trout that have adapted the habit of moving out of the rivers and spending a portion of their life in a larger fresh water body of water. Generally they will spend one to three years in the river then run to the lake. They are considered "littoral" fish during this period of their lives (meaning they stay relatively close to shore, in fairly shallow water, 20 or 30 feet deep).

"It's this affinity for shoreside life that spawned the name coaster."

Superior, particularly the area around Nipigon Bay and it's corresponding river is or at least was famous for these fish. Late summer and early fall the move into the rivers to spawn.

Hope that helps, get Karas' book. It's a great Brookie book.