Quote Originally Posted by Betty Hiner View Post
I have both kinds of gloves. I like the fleece ones, as you can get them on and off easily ... and if you have the glommits (glove/mittens) the top covering folds back to allow use of the fingers. The neoprene ones are stiff, you can't get them on and off easily, and you can't feel a darned thing in your fingers while you have them on.

Betty is right about the glommitts. Take a look at these:


I have the heated Glo-Mittens and love them. You can insert those little dry chemical heaters into the pocket on the glove. The gloves are easy to take off too. Also the flaps for the thumbs and fingers have little magnets in them that hold them open until you close them. Really nice that they don't flop around. I use mine for hunting, fishing and shoveling snow.