Thanks for all ofthe help. I knew that there had to be some other tyers going through the same thing. (Since, as a group, we are not exactly the newest cars on the lot any more!) I am getting an adjustment on the glasses, and that should help. The visors won't work with the varilux, as there is no way to adjust on the fly for both the sweet spot in the glasses, and the sweet spot in the visor. I have tried getting them to align, but as soon as I move, I have to start over again. (Not good for actual tying situations) I will have to use the varilux without the visor.

I finally got a batch of swap flies tied. I went up to a 12 due to the vision, but I think they turned out okay. Tied 25, sent the best 15. I sure won't be tying any midges or 20s until I get this sorted out. The best thing I can do is to keep tying, and keep adjusting my setup until it works better.

As for other tasks, I am falling and hitting my head on things... Just like I have for the last forty something years! No change there. It did take a couple of days to get used to the different distortion, just like it does with any change in prescription. It was a little funny driving the first day or two, but now that is fine. I even drove a race last weekend with them, and didn't hit anything. (Somebody did hit me though!) Now, I am fine with them for everything except tying, modelmaking and reading fine print.

Thanks again everybody,
