Good evening,
A couple of answers to try and help some people,

Here Fish.
"The "e" - is it kind of horizontal in the air, like a belgian cast?"
No, the e is in a vertical plane, unlike the Belgian/Welsh cast.

'This might be fun."
YES, ITS GREAT FUN, even if you don't catch a fish !
With a Double, to a lot of people casting over takes the catching of a fish in the pleasure department.

And a question from a couple of people, generally to cover all,

'I would love to get some info on light spey rods.'
Where would you like to start, as the subject is deeper than starting with those little single handed rods ?

'I have no big rivers to fish. Mostly lakes.'
This is the most common of all questions, why the image of big racing river has been portrayed as the only place for Doubles, I just don't understand !

Doubles are ideal, for ANYWHERE, where a spin fisher can fish and a fly fisher cannot because of the space behind the caster.

A Double will allow you to cast from and to places you never dreamed of before. AND these are the bigger fish live in always, places just out of reach because you cannot cast there.

Can be used in boats to prams.
From creeks to ocean beaches to ocean rocks.

Where ever you have a strong wind coming in behind the caster, that srong a backcast just doesn't go backwards, then a Spey cast released high will go at least 100feet with a 12fot 7/8w rod.

Cannot fish wee creeks..... this just breaks me up laughing, as the statement always comes from somone who hasn't used a Trout Spey rod, EVERYTIME !

If the caster has a health problem that effects his/her casting, then to share the cast load with two hands is easy and safer, to ones health.

Example, I have a friend who had a heart attack.
today his left hand takes about 1 to 2 seconds to do what his brain tells it, result his single hand casting is not all that nice and distance is lousy,

BUT now, he uses a Double, and can cast beautifully. (he now owns 3 Doubles )

'I am not sure it would help to use a spey rod over a single hand rod..."
The use of two hands to share the load, will change your life.... all positive !

'but I too have rotator cuff probs in boaf shoulders. I am ok now. But from everything I hear it is just a matter of time and I will get worse'

Of course it will IF you keep using the cause of the problem,
However, share the load with two hands, and KEEP YOUR ARMS down, then your problem has been rather reduced.

'But sure would like to learn how to cast a spey rod"
Its far easier than to learn to use a Single handed rod, no matter what the experts let me... but I teach casting Doubles, so wouldn't know too much...maybe.

If you can Roll Cast, then a Single Spey is just another form, thats all, BUT the fly will travel further and with greater casting ease.

The other Spey casts are basically forms of loading the Roll Cast.

'....and what kind of smaller spey rods there are out there. "
This is another PHD subject...
there is 4w's to 7/8w's with their length to match.
AND there are Switch rods I bet that will confuse some ?

Trust I haven't confused too many casters,
as I have tried to keep my answers very, very brief.

Kind regards,