Being an ultralight fan I really like this idea for small streams/brooks. I also like longer rods on small streams although I've never used a 12 footer. I'm debating between trying the 5:5 and 6:4 so your opinion of the two rods will be valuable to me.

How do you handle large fish? I'm guessing it's ok in tiny streams since they don't typically run too far. In small to medium streams it's either get them into your net quickly before they get a chance to run or keep up with them or SNAP!

What type of fishing do you do with rod? (e.g. small streams, target small fish, brushy streams, overhead canopy issues).

Even gills would be fun on these rods. It also sounds like a nice rod to pack on my bike or take along while hiking since it collapses to 20". It could be the modern day Pocket Fisherman or at least Backpack Fisherman. Plus it's one form of fly fishing that's relatively inexpensive to try.