Well you got me there JC. Fact is that is why I might not go tomorrow. But I might go for the pot luck portion. Good eats. I have trouble with boaf my shoulders. But it is my left shoulder that I tweaked twice this week. Going to call a doc in Flagstaff that does nothing but shoulders. He should know what to do and how to do it. So my casting arm is ok for now....but...now that you mention it......even the left arm is involved and that part might not go too well. I HAVE been fishing with my 10' but not for awhile now. It's a Fetha Styx 3pc 10' 5wt....and so far my favorite rod. But then...I haven't used a lot of my other rods yet. But I sure like the Fetha Styx Predator rod I have.

Oh...yes....I fish....with bad shoulders.....I rip open my shirt and there is a big S on my chest. But it does not stand for "SUPERMAN". For me it stands for STUPID.