VEE and I are waaaayyyyy past the concept of needing things, either for fishing (rods, reels, etc) and tying (hackle, dubbing, etc). For tying, the only things I need are those items I run out of like hooks and thread. Unfortunately we are in the stage of wanting things and there really is very little we want. When we hit a new fly shop (not a big box store) we try to find a few things to buy to help support the shop (tippet, mucellin, a few flies) but you can only carry so much tippet. It's getting hard to find stuff we just can't live without.

Fortunately, we belong to a fly fishing club that has an influx of new members, some well heeled, some not, that we can point in the direction of our friends like Denny Conrad, Bill Taylor, John Channer, and suppliers of good equipment like the sponsors here.

It's in our own best interest to get as many new people involed in the sport as we can to keep the shops open and costs down. With that though, goes the responsibility of teaching proper stream ettiquette and responsible use of a finite resource.