Quote Originally Posted by J Castwell View Post
I see the nice things about C&R,,, you probably will not like my column this week. Sorry.
I actually loved your message. I love to eat fish and have no problems killing and eating them. I do NOT kill them all, but I will eat some from every legal stream.

I have to say, I also have no problems with the looks I get from other FFers when I kill a legal fish. There is a famous stream in Norther California which gets heavy pressure, and has a limit of 2 fish over 18". I usually kill one when I fish there, and have felt at times that I would be thrashed by the fly rods of those next to me. THAT IS WHY THERE IS A LIMIT THERE, PEOPLE!!

What I enjoy about fishing there the most is when those fishers are using their foam/yarn/etc strike indicators, and I float my little red and white bobber down the same stream. A bobber is a bobber, and I like the way they float, and cast. I also find the red/white keeps my roots out there where I can see them.

So Right on, Castwell. Fish is good for you, has plenty of Omega oil, and tastes really fine.