Hi Alaskan,

That spider of yours looks good to me. Nice body colors. The hardest part for me was learning to tie with almost zero thread tension when wrapping the body of the fly. Compared to that, learning to bend the legs was easy.

You can see my version of the spider at [url=http://reagleelk.photosite.com/REEsandVEEsFlies:63a44]http://reagleelk.photosite.com/REEsandVEEsFlies[/url:63a44]

Don't know what we'd do if we didn't have a subscrition to Fly Tyer magazine.

By the way, the fellows are always welcome on Wednesday evenings. No need to talk in a high voice.


[This message has been edited by VickiEagleElk (edited 21 November 2005).]