Gnu Bee, sorry to hear about your sister, but glad to be a blessing (lost my sis 4 years ago, so I understand)(By the way, I was privileged to preach at sis's funeral where dad found salvation 1 year almost to the day before he died!!!).

It sure does make sense that fish would not be able to resist a spider, but I haven't seen or heard of any (before now) that has actually used spiders except for the shadowbox. I plan to give it a try next summer (all the spiders are sleeping in Alaska right now).

Featherchucker, I am in Soldotna, on the Kenai Peninsula (50 miles due south of Anchorage). Sounds like Southeast Alaska has been very good to you... We did really good with the Silvers on the Kenai this year, up to 17 pounders...check out the gallery [url=][/url:fe5a4] on the 5th row down... This was not a pink year, but expect a strong run next (pinks run on even numbered years on the Kenai).

[This message has been edited by alaskanfishguides (edited 21 November 2005).]