Spiders you say . That takes me back to my youth . My sister and I , She was ten I was eleven , bought some flies at the sportshop back when sportshops sold sporting goods not just fancy duds and expensive sneakers . The clerk sold us some spiders probably about size 14 or so as we were targeting Sunfish . He told us to bob them in the water . They worked really well on the sunfish . So we went over the to creek and tried them on some peamouth chub . Just drifting them in the current that worked well and the chub were way bigger than the sunfish . An old boy fishing near us called us over , He pointed out some large trout holding near the bank . (large to us but really only 10 inches long but heck you could eat them )Following his directions we crept on our bellys up to the edge of the stream and slowly lowered the spiders , before they even got to the water a trout would leap and grab them . We had a ball . It seems that lowering them in a jerky slow drop simulated a spider , even the thin mono looked natural . I never used a spider since that day , but your thread brought back memories of my dear sister whom I lost 10 years ago .