Good morning TFly.
Mate your application and location is screaming to you, a Trout Spey rod !

With better Trout Spey type rods and a suitable level of skill you can expert to RollCast, Single Spey or Underhand cast into the 80FEET RANGE !

This would be by using a 5/6w 12 footer and suitable line.

People generally just haven't discovered the Trout Spey rod yet, but its coming along with it a complete new understanding of where and how to Trout fish be it a lake or wee stream.

Where you can fish, anywhere a spin fisher could, all because all of a sudden there is no need for space behind the caster to cast and load his or her rod from.

Kind regards,
ps, I must state, I design and have built Doubles for both Overhead and Spey casting and single handed fly rods.