I have a roll top desk that I really like. The roll top hides any mess you might leave and will keep your cat out of your supplies. One feature that I built into my desk is a raised desk height that really helps minimize the back and neck pain I was experiencing when I tied for any length of time. I did some research and found that the old-time jewelers used desks that were 34 1/2 inches off the floor for this very reason. The "normal" height of a desk is around 31 1/2 inches which is perfect for writing but not necessarily for tying flies. I also added a pull-out work surface which really comes in handy for other types of work like rod building etc.


I've included a photo of my desk as well as a link to photo of an armoire type of desk that REALLY looks neat in that it would store a ton of materials and could blend into just about any decor. Just a couple of thoughts. Good luck and please show us what you come up with.

Jim Smith