Get ready, I'll start ya off. The wooley bugger will catch EVERYTHING, tied in a multitude of sizes in Olive, Black, White, Yellow, Brown, what ever ya got. Hares ears, stonefly nymphs, For dries just tie some generic imitations, adams, parachutes, stimulaters, ants, poppers,hoppers. same with steamers, general patterns, clousers, marabou minnows, bucktails. Once you become more aware of your local forage base you'll be able to imitate them more accuratley. Try turning up rocks, logs, leaves and such in the waters you are fishing and you should be able to find what you need nymph related, watch what bugs are flyng around in the spring and early summer, and have some minnow/sculpin/baitfish imitations. Trial and error will dictate which ones you will cocentrate your efforts on. Good luck Iam sure you will get some more localized info soon. Welcome to FAOL there is no need to look any further.