Quote Originally Posted by garyj147 View Post
Here in the thriving Megopolis of Dresden, TN, the conversion of analog signal to digital signal appears to be resulting in us losing TV reception for 4 of the 5 channels we currently receive on our rooftop antenna. Apparently, we are too far from the "local" TV stations to receive the digital signal. The analog signal we currently receive is more than a tad grainy, but at least we can get some news and weather. When the changeover occurs, we will be down to one station (according to the TV station testing that has been occurring), and it will only have spotty reception.
The digital signal from our nearest station (60 miles) that is currently being broadcast is watchable less than 50% of the time. Our area is not served by any cable companies. We tried Dish TV about 3 years ago, but every time a cloud passed over, we lost reception. After numerous calls/complaints to the Dish TV folks, we were essentially told "that's the way it is; live with it". We cancelled service and will not deal with those customer-unfriendly "people" again. So, we have bought a DVD/VCR, bought a bunch of old movies and TV shows (such as Rawhide, Gunsmoke, Laredo, Andy Griffith, etc.) and are now watching better quality entertainment than we used to get with Dish. I will miss getting local news and weather, however.
MM hit it before I did. Most of your news, favorite older shows and some new ones too are available at your broadcast network's web site. For instance if you are a Trekkie or Trekker, like me, you can watch most of the Star Trek original series at cbs.com:


Note the other great classics available there too. I get almost all of my news and weather online too. For weather I find accuweather hard to beat:


Sorry Weather Channel but these folks pretty much blow you guys out of the water.