Where egg laying is heavy the fish get picky about the color of the egg they will take and the glue eggs are difficult to make in different colors.

A couple tricks I have picked up after making many of these...
Use a heavy ice pick to poke a hole in the egg. Cut a small chunk of deep red glue and put it in the hole and hit it briefly with a lighter.

Use several forceps and mount several hooks (one at a time) so you can quickly go from one to the next.

Clusters are easily built, but try adding eggs of different colors as you build your clusters. That requires multiple glue guns, obviously, or the dedication to make a LOT of eggs.

With your hook in a forceps the rounding goes quite easy as long as the glue is at the right temperature. It comes pretty naturally once you dedicate a little time. Reheating and rounding up the glue is easy also.