
Chota USED to have a problem with heels coming loose and even soles. I actually resoled one pair I had with hardly any problem so I bought two sets of Chota replacement soles with the holes in them to accommodate the stud mounts.

Then I bought a new pair and discovered they redesigned the shoes and I can tell you from experience those soles & heels AIN'T comin' off! So now I have two sets of size 12 replacement soles with holes in them that I may end up using as fly swatters.

The other bad news is, as the soles & studs wear if you replace the studs, they protrude way too far. I resolved that issue by recessing them a bit more into the plastic with the help of a Dremel tool.

Unfortunately, once the soles are completely done so are the shoes and this grandson of a shoemaker HATES throwing away a perfectly good pair of shoes just because the soles or heel wore out!

I have quite a few pairs of wading shoes to rotate and I take good care of my stuff so having a pair of wading shoes that last 5-10 years is not uncommon for me. Unfortunately for Chota, the fact I can't resole them any longer has knocked them from their former #1 position on my favorites list.

It's Korkers Konvertables for me from now on!