Quote Originally Posted by Steven View Post
These are gorgeous, no doubt. I'm thinking if it's not too hard, maybe an FOTW?

One question though, any worries that the super glue coating wil turn white when in the water?

P.S. I recently received a copy of Paul Whillock's "Flies as Art." How depressing.
With regards to the superglue, I always use Loctite superglues as it is worth paying the extra for the quality. I have been using brushable for quite a while and have not had any problems with discolouration so far. The only draw back is that you have to allow a good 6 hours for any marker colouring to set well before applying as latex is not one of the best surfaces on which to apply it. I will enlarge on this when I do an SBS soon.

If you want to have real depression take a look at work by Steve Thornton, Nadia and Igor Stancev. Steve's are so good that they were impounded by US customs for transporting and possessing rare insects! He did get them back after they found the hooks in them!

FOTW? - I have a couple of days off this week and should be able to spend enough time at the vice to getan SBS ready for submission, hopefully!