
The hardest part of picking a line for a rod is getting the right line for the right rod. One manufacturers 8/9/10 short belly line will cast completely different than someone elses 8/9/10 short belly line.

If I was going to buy a line for a new rod, I'd do what I always do. I call or e-mail Poppy at the Red Shed Fly Shop and ask his opinion. Poppy is all spey, all the time, and has never steered me wrong. Here's his website. http://www.redshedflyshop.com/

I normally tie my own leaders for my two handed rods and they average 15 feet in length. They start at #40 test mono and taper down to 4 or 5X.

There are some nice tapered leaders for two handers for sale that are also 15 feet.