I tie on a Regal that has the midge head. You can tie a TMC 518 size 32 by setting the jaws to a vertical position. The jaws are too big for the old Mustad 277 jewel hooks though, since the jaw tips have the curvature at the ends where they meet. I've been tying streamers in hook sizes 2 and 4 lately with them and experience no holding trouble what so ever. I've tied all kinds of deer hair bugs in these sizes as well. I always use the back part of the jaws to crush the barbs down on my fishing flies. I've never had the jaws chip or spit out a hook no matter how small it was. As others have stated, you can always make something to either add more weight to the base or keep it from moving around if you don't feel like spending extra money for the bronze version.

Merry Christmas,
