The map is at [url= =&searchtab=home&address=&city=sharbot+Lake&state= on&zipcode=:0d3f4] =&searchtab=home&address=&city=sharbot+Lake&state= on&zipcode=[/url:0d3f4]

The Ministry of Natural Resources office in Kingston (613-531-5700) or Tweed (613-478-2330) probably knows what is happening there now.

Apparently there is a water diversion issue ongoing for the lake. [url=][/url:0d3f4]

I don?t have the fishing regulations but presume that only bass is open now. From reading the articles it seems like lake trout may be in Bob?s Lake (or at least they were).

[This message has been edited by Greg H (edited 02 November 2005).]