Thanks for all the great input. Because FAOL has readers from all over the world, it is possible that stream conditions and fishing laws vary tremendously from what we have here in New Hampshire. Our present Fly Fishing Only sections of river are high-gradient, over granite bedrock and boulders; some riffles, rapids, flats, pocket water, and pools. Prior to 1992, the fish had the protection of holding in the fast water and the deep pools, because no weight was allowed. You worked hard for your fish, but it made each more valuable. (As JC quotes - "It is in working within limits that the master reveals himself" ~ Oscar Wilde)

Once weight was allowed in 1992, the catch rate was much higher - because the fish lost their sanctuaries - but the quality of the fish, both in appearance (now often torn and scarred) and size, diminished, in my experience.

Just some background. Now, please continue your excellent input. Thanks.

Best regards,

The Contemplative Angler (Blog)