Quote Originally Posted by wayneb View Post
Since converting to flyrod only, I've experienced no appreciable difference in my catch rate versus other casting methods.

In many cases (and I'm not saying this applies to you), this is due to the person not being very good with "other casting methods". So when they switch to the fly rod, they do about the same or maybe even better.

I'll say it again, though -- I'm not saying this is true in your case.

Quote Originally Posted by wayneb View Post
In many instances I'm catching more fish than the spin/baitcasters that are fishing at the same time.

This could be because the spin/baitcasters are just not very good at it.

Every method has its day; however, it's not the tackle that determines success, it's the fisherman. A good spin fisherman could outfish a poor fly fisherman and vice versa. Knowledge and experience trumps tackle.