Quote Originally Posted by Joe Hyde View Post
Steve, a technical question:

Is this the time of year when alligators are breeding (or nesting maybe)? The time of year when (so I've heard) they will aggressively challenge people who come close? Even on land they'll do this?

My #2 son is visiting Florida right now and is planning to do a bicycle trip through the Everglades, is why I'm asking. If there's any special thing he needs to do, or avoid doing, I'd appreciate knowing what it is so that I can try calling him on his cell phone to warn him.

Thanks much,

"Better small than not at all."

As far as I know, the alligator breeding season is in the spring: March, April, May.
I've never had a problem with a gator, but I certainly respect them and I err on the side of safety.
In the wild, they're fairly shy animals. Of course, if you come across newly hatched gators, it's not wise to stick around because you know that mama is near -- and she won't be happy.

Biggest problem we have -- especially in state parks -- is people feeding them. They come to expect food and lose their fear of humans.