I got my first 2 weight in the early 90's and loved it. I still wanted something lighter, so I got my first 1 weight in the late 90's and my second and favorite 1 weigh a year or so later. It's an Orvis superfine 7'6" model. I've landed trout up to 6 pounds on it without hurting the fish. It's my go to graphite rod most of the year. I've had no problems using a 15 foot leader with it on any day that a 15 foot leader could be cast on any other rod. My wife's favorite rod is her 6'6" slow action 2 weight. I find it a little too short for my liking, but it is a nice rod. She's had no problems with wild browns up to 5 pounds so far.

My experience with rods is that the slower they are the better the fight of the fish and is not necessarily related to line weight. The difference in my 1 weights is like night and day. I have 6 weights that are much slower and make the fight feel much better than my fast action 1 weight.

As a side note, my favorite 1 weight was still a little too much for brookie fishing in my neck of the woods where a 6 incher is a monster, so I had a 00 weight bamboo rod built and love it. The biggest trout I've brought to hand on it was a 17 inch brown I didn't know was there. It did test the rod's strengh and made me nervous, but it survived unharmed.