I guess I have to be the dissenting voice...

I have a 7'9" 2wt that I use for trout. If I had it to do all over again I wouldn't have bought it. It is a pain when it's windy and just doesn't do the things I need it to do when I need it to do them like turn over a really long leader with a decent sized fly. As a matter of fact I didn't fish it at all this year. I have found that a 3wt works much better for me for those times when I feel a lighter line is important which really isn't too often.

Yea you can catch big fish on it and yea it isn't a toy but if half the time I'm compromising, why bother? As an convoluted example; yesterday I went fishing in a high fast cold stream on breezy day. I neglected to bring what I would normally use in those conditions a 9'0" 6wt. Instead I opted for a 7'6" more moderate action 5wt. Yea I caught fish and did all things fishermen do but I had a miserable time doing it. The rod just wasn't the right tool for the job at the time. My buddy who brought a short 4wt had an even worse time. Bottom line; there are times when certain tackle choices will result in fun if you hook up, those same choices are the wrong choices if fun is desired BEFORE you hook up.

Of course YMMV.

Lighter lined rods don't always equal the bigger fish feel. If I was looking to kick up the fun a notch I'd build a 3wt glass rod. A decent sized ANYTHING on a light line glass rod is a hoot!