Hi Joe,

Yes, I did tie a few of the "Maribou Miss" in the fly set, as I have been tying them since first reading about them in Rick's features on his favorite flies.

That was a really helpful set of articles you wrote on the anchor systems. I have a plan in mind as to how to put your system on the jon boat, but may end up with questions and need advise, so I appreciate the offer of help.

Man, it's a wonder you can find anything. I can't even imagine moving 3 times in ten months.

When the latest feature came up I looked at the picture of the red ear, and with the colors the way they are and all at first was thinking "what kind of fish is that", but then noticed the red stripe around the "ear" of the fish and though "oh." At any rate the picture turned out to be spectacular in my humble opinion.

One of my two closest friends lives up in your country. The summer before last, we fished a week up there. If I can get up in the next summer or two it would be great to get together. Last time up there I got to meet Bluegill 222, and that was a great pleasure for me. He showed me an HMH vise at the fly shop, and the vise looked great. Don't know how much time I will have next summer though, as our older daughter and husband had our first grandchild a couple of months back.

