"Tis topic is a "roll your own" kinda thing and nobody will be convinced to see the "light" produced by the other side."

No one is supposed to convince anyone of anything in this post or turn them to the other side. Just a simple question for both high enders and low enders. Or mix and matchers. Really, it is not a trick question.
BMWs, even old ones, aren't exactly scraping the barrel bottom...you keep any of them?
You can get that violin if you really want it..(If that is what you are refering to, or as an acronym for other item of value. There will always be easy excuses why not.. You just have to want it bad enough.
Certainly a good investment. If you had bought it years ago all you mention would be no problem now. JC will lend you the money for a percentage.

And Ladyfish...
So your high end vehicle was worth the price..8 yrears and many miles, great!...and the Renzetti ,a high end vise is still being used and is evidently still servicable, great ! Must have been worth the cost...The gift vise was a gift, not something you bought, a non issue in answering the post questions.
"who cares"? ? you wrote...I think you read more into the post question than was there. It was just a simple question, really,...which you answered.

[This message has been edited by mantis (edited 25 October 2005).]