
From the lack of response to your inquiry I surmise that none of the participants brought a laptop computer. Or if they did bring a laptop they aren't using it.

There is (or was last year) a pay phone people can use.

At last year's Idaho Fish-In, I took my laptop so that I could work up some stories from whatever day trip outings I went on? No expectation of doing anything beyond that. But to my great surprise and pleasure, Two Rivers Lodge had a wi-fi hotspot that functioned by satellite link? Pretty cool! I was able to communicate by email with my buddies back home.

This is Friday now, so tonight they'll all be having that big group supper in the Rumpus Room. Many folks today might be busy preparing food for that. Earlier in the week they were busy fishing during the daytime hours...and at night, recovering from fishing.

There were quite a few "recovering trout fishers" at the F-I last year. I should know because I was one of 'em!

"Better small than not at all."