Quote Originally Posted by TyroneFly View Post

Do you use the Rio on your SLT? If so, which one? I have an SLT in the 590-4 configuration and its time for a new line. I am currently using SA Headstart, but I am not married to it and looking to change to another.
I use Rio Selective Trout on my Scott G2 and Rio Gold on my Winston B2T. On the SLT, I'm currently using Scientific Anglers Mastery series (for the 3wt) and sometimes I overline the rod with 4wt and I have a spool strung with Orvis Wonderline. (The SLT is a 7'6" 3wt).

I really like the Rio Gold on that Winstor 4wt. The Gold just seems to cast better than the Orvis or the Rio Trout. The SA Mastery would be my next favorite. If I had to rank the lines I own, it would be
Rio Gold (1 rod)
SA Mastery (2 rods)
Rio Selective Trout (4 rods)
Orvis Wonderlinec(1 rod)
Cabela's Prestige (1 rod)

Hope this helps.
