When I saw this I just needed to write something about some of the many times that I have been pushed out of a fishing hole. I fish mostly stillwaters which for some like me can be difficult at times. Guaranteed that if I start catching, people start getting closer and closer until they are sitting in my pontoon boat with me. I actually asked one guy if he wanted me to cast for the both of us so he wouldn't have to wear out his arm. Another time, same place, I was fishing for a good hour and a less than courteous man shows up and proceeds to cast his spoon across my line dragging the line and all to him, where he picked up my fly and yelled at his buddy, that was piecing together a fly rod, and told him what fly I was using. (I was catching fish consistently when they showed up) I asked if I was bothering him by being there and he answered that I was okay liked I just moved in on him!

I am always willing to help someone else be successful and find fish. I don't own the lake or its fish, but come on, I am not good enough to find the only fish in the whole lake.