I think it's a natural disposition in humans all over the world: give an inch, and they'll take a mile. I think we all are programmed to go for the loophole to make the greatest dividends using the least amount of effort. Now if you're like me who has this thing called a conscience, you'll take the 'long way', the 'right way' even if it means ending up last in the line. Heaven knows it's the place reserved for me. Heaven also knows that if the scientists come up with a way to surgically remeove a conscience, I just MIGHT sign up.( I also hope that scientists instead of searching outer space, take the time to figure out the space between SOME PEOPLE'S EARS!!)

However the thing I find most amazing, is what happens when you 'draw a line in the sand' ,so to speak. It is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, what happens when you 'call someone's bluff' the minute they try to take advantage of a situation. All of a sudden, it's as if they haven't considered WHAT EXACTLY they've been doing. Now if you're like me, you shouldn't HAVE to resort to a confrontation in whatever way. But sometimes -unfortunately- it's all some folks understand.
IN the end (and it's happened loads of times) they walk away having learned something profound. WHO WOULD'VE THUNK?! ha!

So, dont' be afraid to confront someone. Be nice about it....

Even while fishing, one can learn something.

To quote Patrick Swayze from "Roadhouse": 'Be nice.....until it's time, NOT, to be nice."