Quote Originally Posted by hap View Post
Your point about gear type ego reminds me of an incident from about 15 years ago. I was flyfishing a small slough off a very popular salmon stream. There were a bunch of silvers mixed into a huge school of humpies and I was patiently working the silvers and being very successful.

A guy walked by with his young son and the little guy was stretched out reaching for Dad's finger to hold. When they got past me the father squatted and proceeded to tell his son you could tell I was a snagger because I was using a fly rod! I nearly choked.
Now that is funny, seems ignorance has no bounds, and some are so quick to show it. I hope his son gets a little older he may look back and know better. I will say this, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time!
The best to all, Jesse

In old age walking on a trail of beauty, living again may I walk