Salmon do indeed bring out the worst in people... My wife is tiny and for some reason she seems to attract more of the pushy crowd than I... Hmmm...

I should add to the story above that I left out quite a bit and do not want it to sound like it did to me this morning on a reread... The fellow I tossed into the river threatened my son both verbally and physically, saying he intended to harm him "If I didn't move him" though he stated it far more graphically.

There was Trooper involvement and they gave me the option of pressing assault charges, even after tossing him into the river.

I saw a vdeo after the incicdent on dwarf-hurling and have to admit it made me laugh. But timing was everything as the idiot was off-balance from casting a ridiculously heavy rod and my shove just added to his speed and direction. His altitude was just about perfect for maximum range, too.

An inducement to not press charges was a promise from his commander that he would give up his fishing and hunting licenses for a year. I saw a lot of value getting him off the salmon streams...