Learned a few more things ( and still have a lot more to learn ) and ran into a few glitches along the way, but, overall, I'm very happy with how this one turned out. The wrapping station I borrowed from Buzz made a big difference in that part of the build.

From most of what I had read, I thought the single foot guides might pose a real challenge, especially out near the tip. But it seemed easier to wrap them than it did regular snake guides, and the final alignment seemed easier ( maybe a combination of the experience from the first build and the wrapping station ?? ).

Put the second coat of finish on the wrappings this morning. Just waiting for it to cure.

The reel seat and grip are an economy item from St. Croix, quite suitable for this build.

Used a single foot black guide for the hook keeper, partly because I couldn't find a standard hook keeper in black.

The stripping guide almost seems out of place ( maybe it is ?? ).

I'm delighted with the aesthetics of this rod. Came out just the way I envisioned it. The Tiger Eye is striking in bright sunlight, and the black guides and wrapping thread keep the focus on the blank, to my way of looking at it, anyway.

If it casts ( for me ) as well as it looks ( to me ), I will consider it a total success, even with the flaws that you all won't see unless you join me some time I am fishing it. You are welcome, any time, folks.