EGADS..!!!!, what have you done to my mind. It's the same feeling I had when I saw J.C.'s version of what I think was a generic dry fly with no wings. I don't remember exactly when it was posted or the correct post.
I sat and looked at the way too many flies I had tied and spent so much time and great care putting wings on them. I am now looking at several hook keeper boxes and have the same gut wrenching feeling that, I must be possessed with the sometimes deady tyers disease for sure.
I'm going up stairs and get one of those OYP pills (Ole Yeller Pill) that my Rebel Wife(RW) who also happens to have Indian ancestory , as well as being a decendat of Gen. John Bell Hood. She says taking OYP sends her on a soul cleansing and vison quest. She takes them after being confined in the crew cab on a trip with Ole Tick (OT)my old coon dog who thinks Ole Puss (OP) is the Devil Incarnate and his soul mission is to send O.P. back Hades. Ole Puss is also with us and thinks her soul mission is to do the same to O.T. And of course Uncle B.S. (Buford Samuel, not the other B. S. my wife calls him)goes everywhere with us. My wife RW says she has yet to see UBS but he's been with me every where I went since a child and has accepted him as family.
Anyway back to the question on what hook, I am afraid to say what hook. Because if I do and R.W. see's this post, I will never explain why I have all these hook container boxes she says contains 557 hooks of every kind ever made. Her opinion and me and UBS may be different but then I learned never to argue with R.W.
Have a good'n, Jesse
In old age walking on a trail of beauty, living again may I walk. (part of a unknown Indian prayer) I feel much the same.