Well...I had a tad of a prob one spring day....it was spring in the middle 80's on the Bighead River Meaford Ontario....the steelies were movin' upstream....I was following....and catchin'....decided to cross the river in a set of reasonably shallow rapids..mebbe 3 ft deep at most....was bout 1/2 way across with less then 40 feet to go....stepped on a bare spot of clay on the riverbed....whoosh....away I go....fully loaded with winter parka....neo waders...vest full of gear....yikes,...that water was cold....as I went down....I leveraged myself into a foot first position and went with the flow....sculling with one hand....rod in the other....bout 150 ft down river I managed to make it to shore...dam waders were heavy...I laid on my back...and lifted each leg with both hands to empty them...was a long cold walk back downriver to the truck....the kicker????....some er.....ummm...."person" fishin' the hole above where I went down stood up....and actually watched me struggle with no thought of offering assistance....hope this happens to him one day.....long and short of it...long walk...4 steelies...and a nasty cold.
