I have had a few but the worst one was on the Blackfoot when it was flowing around 20,000 CFS or so. It is at about 600 right now. No one really floats it at those flows and we weren't there for fishing. I was picking my way through a rapid that I had never seen before because I had never seen flows that high. I got to a spot where I had no choice but to go straight over and in between two boulders with a huge keeper in the middle of them. I told my friend that we were going to flip and to hold on. He was smart and dove off the boat as we were bow first straight up and down and about to flip. The boat came down on top of me and I got sucked out into the hole. It was recirculating so hard that it would suck me, spit me to the top and suck me down again. After about three times I was exausted from trying to swim out of it. I finally managed to swim out from the bottom of it the way you are supposed to. I saw the boat upside down a couple hundred yards down stream with my friend on top of it holding an oar. I started swimming towards shore and then noticed I was quickly approaching a barbed wire fence that was submerged in the high water, that would have torn me up for shure. I swam back out in the middle of the river and chased the boat and after about .5 mile I caught it. Actually got the other oar back.

I've run a lot of water and been thrown out a good many times but that was the closest call.