On an Army survival training mission on a Texas river. We were in two man rubber recon rafts and you had to kneel in them. The buck sgt I was with never white water rafted before. When we hit the rapids he froze in panic. I was in the front of the raft and tumbled into the water. I got pinned between the bottom of the raft and a rock with my feet hung up in the safety line. I managed to free myself and came up choking with paddle in hand. I then tried to decap that E-5 with my paddle and dumped him into the river. Our C.O. saw the entire event. When the E-5 asked the C.O. to bring charges against me for assault the C.O. said he didn't see anything. Good thing I was so mad that I missed that guy because then the C.O. wouldn't have had a choice. I got a new buddy for the rest of the trip.

Eric "nighthawk"

It's a great day for fly fishing!