Back in the early 70's Jim and I were fishing with Carl Richards on the Muskegon River in Michigan for King Salmon. At the time I had a severe back problem which affected my right leg. I was fine until I got into water about hip high, found the ball-bearing gravel and could not find my right leg! No feeling at all to the point of not knowing where the right foot was either.

I yelled upstream to Jim and Carl that I was in trouble. Carl was closer and plunged downsteam where he could get close enough to me to point his cane rod at me...and told me to grab on. I did and he pulled me upstream to shallower water.

Close call, and yes, eventually I got the back fixed no problems with that at all.

I did manage to catch a 30# salmon after that!

[This message has been edited by LadyFisher (edited 11 October 2005).]