My first reaction after my first few casts with my Helios rod was much the same as yours. Holy crap did I just do that? Now that I've had my Helios about 5 months and have fished with it dozens if not hundreds of times I still love it. It is by no means the perfect rod for every situation but it still is an excellent rod that will handle the vast majority of my fishing needs. Unlike you, I have one of the heavier rods, a 908 - 4 tip flex that I use for tossing bass flies and, since it's so light, I also use it for chores I ordinarily would use a 4 or 5 wt for. I use Rio's coldwater clouser in 7 wt on it which performs quite well on both short and long range casts. I haven't managed to cast all the fly line out yet but that's probably mostly just me, not the rod.
I have just one caution when I use the rod. If I'm using a light tippet and happen to catch the fly on some weeds or a tree on the back cast I can complete the forward cast and just barely notice the bobble except the fly will be missing.
Have fun with your $755 baby