I see this as a good step.

I have property on a couple of rivers in Alberta that have good trout populations. We have people litter and break and generally abuse what they consider a right. I hate it. I'm also selfish and want those water to myself (although I'll share and freely give info to people I think as deserving). It's my river.

On the other hand, I work for the gov't (Canadian), and more relevent I work with protecting public fisheries. Gov't ownership of rivers to the normal highwater mark has protected many, many, fisheries from being destroyed. I don't believe landowners should have the right to do what they want to the water, especially where it can affect downstream or previous users. Anything that can affect a public resource or right, should be governed by the gov't (or at least a governing body).

Hopefully, as angler access increases (and idealistically not pressure), people will begin to report trouble makers and the anglers themselves will take it upon them to start cleaning up the garbage. I carry a garbage bag when I fish, for that reason.