What is sad (and true) about what you describe bam as farmers who have their private property destoryed or otherwise tampered with is ALREADY HAPPENING. I for one would think that at least some of those folks who are climbing and breaking fences, destroying crops, etc would be able to avoid climbing those fences causing that damage if it is now legal to continue wading up the streambed which the farmer isn't using anyway.

The bottom line argument in my eyes to the destruction of property you describe, is that it is going to happen whether it is legal or not. By opening up stream beds which were previously unaccessible to recreationalists, there will not (IMO) be any further damage done to private property than what is already being done.

While I would still respect the land owners rights and property, I do understand that not everyone else will. But even if it is not legal, the folks who are destroying that property are going to do it anyway.