What's next, opening ALL land to hunters, hikers & bikers as long as they behave too? How about farm ponds or private lakes & reservoirs with inlets and outlets?

Sorry but I think private property should be remain private if the owner so chooses regardless of who wants to use what. It sets a very bad president IMHO regardless of what 250 year old no-longer-applicable laws apply. Let's face it folks, navigability is a self serving excuse to pi$$ off somebody who doesn't want to let you on their property. It isn't the Mississippi we are talking about here; it's some piddly little crick or shallow river that hasn't been used for commerce since Wild Bill Hickok was in knickers and will never ever be used for commerce again so why those laws even apply any longer is beyond me. If you want to preserve rights of way for commerce than wrap your arms around preserving old railroad beds. In most cases those revert to the original deed holders upon abandonment; a much more sensible approach.

Here in PA a landowner can close a stream if they own the land and the waterway wasn't declared navigable two zillion years ago (despite the fact I've NEVER seen a coal barge plying any local navigable waterways I fish). When I see what the slobs leave behind; the insanity of raft flotillas or how inconsiderate arrogant yahoos fishing in someone's back yard can spoil someone desired serenity, it raises the hackle on my neck.

I have quite a few friends who are farmers. I've seen with my own eyes or have been told of cut and damaged fencing, gates left open in pastures, crops trampled, animal harassed or let loose where they can get in harms way, piles of trash, loud late night fishing forays and long rod wielding morons arguing with farmers over how they should manage their runoff. It's no wonder so many of my old fishing spots are now posted. Jerks abound out there these days and despite the lofty opinion held by many that fly fisherman are above the fray; I've meet too many double taper jerks to convince me anyone is excused.

Private property rights should trump the intentions of Johnny Fly Guy IMHO and if you think access will stop with fisherman and rafters you are sorely mistaken. Doesn't anybody else out there not blinded by the glare of a $400 fly reel find the prospect of government being able to declare anything they want as public property a wee bit unsettling? Isn't it bad enough the government can seize your property to build a shopping mall? Maybe I should push to be able to camp in someone's backyard because the land should be held in trust for the public too!

I personally will do whatever it takes to support my fellow PA landowners and their present rights to legally close their property if the same stupidity ever takes hold here in PA. There is plenty of water out there, just go fish someplace else.

The right way to insure access is to support programs that enable the government to acquire or lease private property instead of just declaring a free for all in the meadow because some whiners can't fish or float where they want to. But unfortunately some of those acquisition options require folks to pony up some cash or raise some dough and may fisher-folk feel that their license fees and taxes should guarantee them access to everything everywhere.

Sorry for the rant but color me SOLIDLY AGAINST the issue of allowing undesired access on private property. I'll give up fishing before I'll give up my rights to do what I want with my land.

Fire away...