Quote Originally Posted by mnklagoon View Post
flybinder, are you growing organic? we did when i lived in oregon. the climate there is so much easier to grow organic in than here in mississippi. post some pics if you have any!
Sorry, but after "working this much "GARDEN", I guess I've never thought about taking pictures of our place!! But, I'll see what I can do, when/if, the weather calms down a little.

We don't really, "farm organic", other than considering "used goat food" as being "organic"!?!( about the best and richest natural fertilizer I've ever found. I swear, the stuff would grow ROCKS!?) I don't like using high concentrate chemicals on the food items, at all, but on the fruit trees, with Oregon seemingly "the tree bug capital of the world", I don't have much choice if I want a high survival rate.
We've given 7, I think it is now, of the "organic-harmful chemical free-insecticides" a try on our trees and landscaping plants and the only thing that's happened, has been the insects and invasive critters "Asking if we have more ice, to go with the lovely cocktails we're serving them?" then they'd multiply even faster.